середу, 3 червня 2020 р.

AC/DC - TNT Sheet music aka The most beautiful thing in the world

Some types of merchandise are not like anything else. Case in point - this thing. It is a promotional booklet for AC/DC fan club. It features some cheeky illustrations, questions for hardcore fans, and also some sheet music. Because that is what you are looking for when you are looking for AC/DC merchandise.

The thing is - AC/DC is probably the last type of music you would expect to be transcribed into sheet music. It just doesn't combine that way. AC/DC is too awesome for this antique concept of sheet music. Writing it down is like freezing a breath so that you would have a document of a breath. It is an interesting concept on paper, but it just doesn't really work beyond an entertaining thought.

AC/DC is all about willing the cool into the realm of real - it is not carved in stone like sheet music, you don't need to learn to play exactly like it was recorded by the band - if you really want to appreciate AC/DC - you need to go the other way - it is like catching the wind and doing aeolian things.

But this particular piece of sheet music is really cute. Looking at TNT as sheet music got some sort of morbid curiosity factor. It feels like one of those Martin Creed artworks - totally counter.

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