четвер, 17 серпня 2017 р.

Bil Sabab Power Hour: Watarase - Itabashi / Moriyama

Tough existential things and shit...
Typing ensues...

Got a new job and i feel like a dummy all the time because i out of my comfort zone. And then - all over the sudden - i don't know which version of Watarase i like more.
The one performed by Takeo Moriyama or the one performed by Fumio Itabashi.

Itabashi's version is solo piano with lots of flashy u-turns. It is as if he's playing on the boat on a windy weather.

Moriyama performs with a band and gives everyone a chance to give a piece unique shade. This makes rather solid and colorful piece. But it feels for me as if it was all behind the glass - colors are smashing against the surface, splashing erratically and sliding down.

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