четвер, 26 жовтня 2017 р.

Google Translate Oddity 1: Mongolian to Russian / Ukrainian

I have mixed feeling for Google Translate as a translation tool. I don't like it. Very much. To be honest - i hate it. It is uncapable of adequate translation. I'd rather surf the dictionary than copypaste the text in this wastebin and get some distorted monstrocity that will make things needlessly awkward and strained.

But on the other hand - it is actually very useful for creative activities. You can use it to write poetry with rather twisted spin on language. You can take one word and look up what it means on various language. And then jump onto synonym translation from another language. And the whole thing will transform into vacuous monstrocity with glimpses of unexpected beauty. 

These are Google Translate Oddities i've stumbled upon in a newsfeed. It comes from Alexandr Wolodarskij. He wasn't meaning to do anything in particular - just joking around. Wrote some keyboard mashing onomatopeaia in Mongolian and translated it into Russian. But what came out was not a joke. In some way - it is a glimpse of a new language. Some sort of razzmatazzpeak. Kinda like Peter Brook' and Ted Hughes' invented language in the play "Orghast" but with a particular Lovecraftian shade.

The majority of example are simple phrases that may come in handy from time to time:

"it is time to go back and say Hello!"

"all time"
"It's OK"

"to have a good time"

"i am drinking"

Then comes something more elaborate. This thing can be used in some soap opera melodrama:
"you have no idea how strongly you love me"

And then this. It is basically a newfound Gertrude Stein: 
"you have your own food. you got it. it was a long time ago. it was a long time ago. a lot of time had passed since it was a long time ago"

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